Contact... from Latin con-tingere, "to touch together with"
Today, we continue this series, 'benevolent and indifferent Presence,' with a brief detour from what I had shared would be addressed this presentation. While I have used this story before, we return to it, with a focus on realization, which I often refer to as knowing something directly, without mediation. One could refer to the photograph above, beginning this posting. I have included this illustration to depict the tactile immediacy of connection, or contact, in contrast to felt alienation, or felt separation. First, oneness finds oneness, separation cannot do that, only agree and participate in this game of Love discovering Love. Now, to the story, with a story...
A Spiritual Teacher had a disciple with a reputation for unusual zeal in spiritual practice. Over time the Teacher noticed the man began to look pale and weak. The Teacher asked him, “Why are you so impatient in your efforts? You need to take better care of yourself, have more balance in your life.” The man replied, “But I am preparing myself to get to heaven.” “Why,” asked the Teacher, “are you rushing to be ready to get to heaven?” “There is no time to waste,” replied the man. “Odd,” replied the Teacher, “I do not hurry around and rush like you to get ready for heaven, but I see it everywhere, all the time. Maybe you, too, would see it, if you would quit working so hard to get to it.” So, the Teacher told his disciple the following story...
“Once a little fish swam ardently in the Ocean. The fish was looking for water, for something in him longed for this he had heard many speak of. He even had heard of esteemed Teachers of the water that many would go long distances to meet. Nothing of all he tried satisfied the yearning. In his searching, he came upon a wise, aged fish, after the guidance of some esteemed as water experts had not led to fruition. The little fish spoke, “Sir, can you tell me where water is?” The sagacious elder fish said, “All around you.” “But,” replied the little fish, “I thought this was the Ocean.” "The Ocean is water," said the elder fish, "so, water is the Ocean." The excited little fish inquired, 'Oh! Sir, how shall I know this to be true, or shall I have to simply accept your word for it?' 'No, do not simply accept my word for it, or you will never know it to be true. Rather, simply feel the water, to feel the Ocean, and feel the Ocean, to feel the water. Do this, until you know in feeling one you feel both.'"
Continued... |